Burning Scalp Syndrome: What It Is and How To Treat It
Mar 20, 2018
3 min read

Have you ever felt like your scalp is burning? Have you touched your head and felt as if pins were being stuck into your scalp? If so, you may have a condition called Trichodynia, or burning scalp syndrome. This syndrome affects women more than men, as it seems to have something to do with long hair. Read on to learn more about this scalp condition.
Symptoms of Burning Scalp Syndrome
If you have trichodynia, you may experience the following symptoms:
burning scalp sensation
pin-pricking sensation when the scalp is touched
itchy scalp
redness and irritation on the scalp
hair loss/shedding
Causes of Burning Scalp Syndrome
There are two basic theories about what causes burning scalp syndrome, and both have to do with the nerves in the scalp.
Theory 1: If a follicle is empty, the nerve sends a "pain" message to the brain.
Theory 2: People with burning scalp syndrome have extra-sensitive nerves in their scalp. When their long hair is tied tightly back, these extra-sensitive nerves sense pain. Also, the tightly-pulled hairs do not allow the follicles to breathe, thus resulting in hair loss.
These theories have not been proven yet, but there does seem to be a link between hair loss and burning scalp syndrome. It remains unclear whether hair loss causes the syndrome, or the syndrome causes hair loss.
Some other connections have been made that could explain some of the symptoms of the syndrome.
Harsh hair products or Blow drying can cause scalp irritation.
Allergies to products such as hair dye could cause some of the symptoms of burning scalp syndrome.
A lack of Vitamin D generally results in weakened hair, thus increasing the risk of hair loss.
Depression, anxiety, and stress may also come into play, causing symptoms of the syndrome.
Ways to Treat Burning Scalp Syndrome
Please remember that this condition is still in the theory stage, so the treatments suggested here may not work the same way for everyone who experiences the symptoms. Determine the specific symptoms you experience, and then try to treat those symptoms. Do you use many hair products, such as hair gel or spray? Try going natural for a time.
Opt for moisturizing shampoos.
Shower in warm water, not too hot and not too cold.
Dry your hair first with a towel, and then with a hair dryer.
Don't go outside with wet hair, especially if it is cold outside.
Reduce stress to your hair by choosing loose hair styles.
Brush your hair gently. No yanking!
Itchy scalp? Resist the urge to scratch it!
Treat your scalp to a gentle finger massage.
For good hair health, try a diet high in protein and Vitamin D. Eat eggs, salmon, spinach, and lentils! A healthy diet really does positively affect your hair and scalp.
Have you noticed hormonal ups and downs? This may be causing your symptoms. Ask a doctor how to better control your hormones.
Locate things that may be stressing you out, and try to fix those areas. Stress not only makes you feel on-edge; it also works against your body in other ways. It could be irritating your scalp!
These various treatments may or may not work for you. Figuring out what does help your condition will require some trial and error.
For the best tips and solutions on how to handle your hair loss, contact us at New Look Institute for a free hair loss analysis.