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Does Being Bald Hurt You in a Job Interview?

May 23, 2012

3 min read

Don’t lose out over hair loss: Nail the job interview and get the job. In our tough economic climate, landing job opportunities has become more difficult and competitions for positions have become increasingly fierce. Therefore, when you are invited for a job interview it is even more important to look you best – in every way possible. If you are experiencing hair loss, it is easy to let that fact make you self-conscious or insecure, which can affect your performance in your interview.

It’s not all in your head! According to a report by Fox News in Phoenix, Arizona, balding men (and women) are less likely to be selected for positions after job interviews than men with full heads of hair. And it doesn’t stop there! As reported in an article for Business Insider, 63% of men report that hair loss has negatively affected their career. But why? According to David Mackenna of National Hair Centers in Phoenix, Arizona, many people don’t even realize that they have biases against bald or balding individuals. A possible explanation for this unconscious discrimination is that hair loss is often associated with aging. In our youth obsessed culture, signs of age can work against you.

The good news is that you can do something about it. Today’s modern, state-of-the-art hair restoration and men’s hair replacement techniques can make hair loss a distant memory in your professional and personal life. Many men and women report that hair replacement was one of the most significant events in their professional lives, with positive carry-over effects in their personal lives – including greater self-confidence and a more positive outlook on life.

When it comes time for the interview, express your personality in the interview. Do all of the standard preparation — research the company and professional history of your interviewer, think of stories or examples for how you’ve dealt with situations similar to those that you may face in the position, and make sure you arrive early. But more than that, show off your personality. Be charismatic and fully present.

Another important factor is your clothing and presentation. In short, dress impeccably (but don’t over-dress)! A polished professional look goes a long way to impress your interviewer, to make you stand out from other candidates, and to make you feel secure. ‘Professional’ does have to mean expensive. The fit of your clothes and neatness are far more important than expensive name brands. Display a memorable signature style that conforms to the norms of the office you will enter while still having elements of modern fashion that express your personality. Your goal is to make sure that the interviewer can picture you as member of his or her team from the moment you walk in. Let your professionalism show through your appearance.

If you choose to make a personal investment in hair replacement, it is important to achieve as natural a look as possible. It may hurt you more in the process if you look like you are covering something up, creating just the opposite effect of what you desire. It is therefore important to seek our a hair replacement specialist you can trust, and with whom you feel comfortable, both technically and personally. Above all, ask to see samples of their work and ask for references. This is an investment in yourself, and the goal is a totally natural, age-appropriate look, that is matched to not only your own hair, but your own lifestyle as well.

As you prepare for your all-important interview, an interview with a professional hair loss consultant can yield very long term results indeed.

Take our free hair loss quiz, or contact our team at New Look Institute for a free, private consultation.

Schedule Your Free Consultation at San Jose

At New Look Institute, clients can expect to receive plenty of individual attention, as well as access to proven hair replacement solutions that are sure to meet their needs. We invite anyone who is struggling with thinning hair to meet with us in person at our hair replacement studio in San Jose, where you'll learn more about the options that meet your lifestyle, budget, and hair loss needs.

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