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Hair Loss in Your 20's: What Can You Do?

Mar 16, 2021

3 min read

It is a well-known fact that as men age, they tend to experience thinning and balding. Male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss among men. Most men don't expect to lose hair until their 30s, 40s, or even 50s. However, for some, hair loss begins in their 20s. This is called premature balding. Here's everything you need to know about hair loss in your 20s and what you can do about it.

What Does Normal Hair Loss Look Like?

Before you can know if you are experiencing premature balding, you first have to know what normal hair loss looks like. It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. You may notice a few strands of hair in the sink, but normal hair loss will never be noticeable on your head.

What is Premature Balding?

Premature balding occurs when you begin losing noticeable amounts of hair in your 20s or even possibly your teens. It most often begins at the temples or crown of the head. It usually starts with mild thinning. Signs that you are experiencing premature balding include:

  • You can see more of your scalp than normal.

  • You notice more hair in the sink or your brush.

Why Does Premature Balding Occur?

Most premature male pattern baldness cases are hereditary, meaning there isn't much you can do to prevent the onset. This type of hair loss is caused by an increase in the primary male sex hormone production, testosterone. Once broken down, testosterone turns into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hair follicles are sensitive to DHT (some are more sensitive than others) and, over time, miniaturize the follicles, eventually inhibiting new hair growth.

What Can You Do?

The thought of having to live with balding can be frustrating and depressing, but the good news is that you do not have to. You can enjoy a full head of hair, and no one will be the wiser. It is best to seek professional treatment as soon as possible. The less time that's passed from the onset of premature balding, the more options that will have available to you.

Early Stage Treatment Options

For those in the beginning stages of premature balding, it may be possible to slow or stop the progression while promoting natural hair growth. Laser hair growth therapy and topical regrowth and thickening treatments are designed to do just that. Laser hair growth therapy uses the FDA-approved low laser light levels to increase blood flow to hair follicles and stimulate new growth. Topical regrowth and thickening creams, shampoos, conditioners, and lotions provide nutrients to the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Even though both are standalone treatment options, they work best when used together.

Late Stage Treatment Options

The longer hair follicles have been dormant, the more difficult it is to stimulate new growth. If you are in the late stages of balding, natural hair growth may not be an option. There's no need to worry; there are plenty of options available. Non-surgical hair replacement systems integrate seamlessly with your existing hair to give you a natural look. Enjoy all of your favorite activities, including sports and swimming, with your hair replacement system securely in place. Each system comprises 100% hair and is perfectly matched with your natural hair color, texture, and style.

Are You Ready to Take Premature Balding by the Horns?

As the most trusted hair restoration studio in San Jose, New Look Institute is dedicated to helping you achieve the look you've always wanted. Contact us today to schedule your free hair loss analysis!

Schedule Your Free Consultation at San Jose

At New Look Institute, clients can expect to receive plenty of individual attention, as well as access to proven hair replacement solutions that are sure to meet their needs. We invite anyone who is struggling with thinning hair to meet with us in person at our hair replacement studio in San Jose, where you'll learn more about the options that meet your lifestyle, budget, and hair loss needs.

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