According to recent studies, 40% of women by the age of 50 years old will show some sign of female hair loss. Hair loss is not only a problem for older adults. Many young women and even some girls struggle with the emotional effects of hair loss after they are diagnosed with certain medical disorders. Whether you’re an older woman coping with alopecia, a teenager struggling with trichotillomania, or a working professional in the midst of chemotherapy, being a woman with hair loss is not easy.
Society is far more accepting of thinning hair in men than in women. Additionally, men can don a bald head with much less societal pressure than a woman. Women are often judged more harshly than men when it comes to hairstyle, clothing, and body type. Therefore, it’s not surprising that women face tremendous emotional and social issues in reaction to hair loss and thinning hair.
Confidence is one of the most important qualities that a woman can possess. Often, a woman’s first reaction to hair loss is to hide the bald spots. For many, this reaction comes out of a genuine desire to have the hairstyle she had before the onset of hair loss. For others, it comes from the panic and fear of people seeing the bald spots and passing judgment. Check in with yourself and assess the level of anxiety you have about others’ noticing your hair loss. How do the societal expectations of how women “should look” influence your answer?
Hair texture and length is a defining part of many women’s image and identity. Changing hair colors and styles is a major way that women express their individuality. When hair loss is present, it may seem like the most important part of your beauty has been taken away. Instead of focusing on hair loss, and letting it rule your emotions, do something about it. Take the first step to a new you.
Why think about the hair you’ve lost, when you can think about the hair you can have?
Specializing in non-surgical hair loss solutions for women, we can help you find the perfect, natural looking wig or extensionsto compliment you, your sense of style, your personality. Our highest quality medical wigs give women the confidence to socialize with family and friends while maintaining as much privacy about their hair loss or medical treatments as they wish. Contact us today!
Gosselin C. Hair loss, personality and attitudes. Pers Individ Dif. 1984;5:365-369
Hunt N, McHale S. Understanding alopecia.London: Sheldon, 2004.
Hunt, N., McHale, S. (2005). Clinical review: The psychological impact of alopecia. British Medical Journal, 331, 951–953.