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September Is Alopecia Awareness Month

Sep 18, 2022

3 min read

Alopecia is a term used to describe conditions that cause hair loss. Although it can sometimes be a symptom of a medical condition, alopecia is not contagious. September is recognized as Alopecia Awareness Month.

What Is Alopecia and Its Symptoms?

There are several types of alopecia, and the condition can be related to various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environment. Alopecia can also be related to psychological disorders such as compulsive hair-pulling. Most cases of alopecia are treatable. However, identifying the cause and beginning treatment as early as possible creates the most significant opportunity to stop the loss and promote regrowth.

Anything that disrupts the hair's natural growth cycle can lead to thinning hair and hair loss. While some forms of alopecia can be avoided, others can affect men and women of all ages. Family history, age, gender, and race are just a few factors that increase your risk of developing some form of alopecia. In addition, hair loss affects every individual differently, with the pattern of hair loss varying depending on the type and cause.

Common Types of Alopecia

While alopecia affects men more often than women, alopecia can affect men and women of all ages. In addition to factors related to genetics and the immune system, hormones play a significant role in hair loss. For example, reduced levels of the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone are associated with hair loss in both men and women.

Some of the most common types of alopecia affecting men include androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata, and alopecia barbae. Significant hair loss is slightly less common in women. However, women experience various kinds of alopecia, including alopecia areata, androgenic alopecia, postpartum alopecia, and traction alopecia. While children experience hair loss much less frequently than adults, some types of alopecia can affect young people. These include alopecia areata, which often begins in adolescence, scarring alopecia, and ophiasis alopecia.

What Is Alopecia Awareness Month?

September is recognized as Alopecia Awareness Month. While the month may not be significant for most people, September is a month of empowerment and freedom for those dealing with alopecia. While not everyone is directly affected by alopecia, everyone should know about Alopecia Awareness Month.

Alopecia Awareness Month enables people dealing with hair loss to see that they are not alone. The month allows people with alopecia to share their struggles with hair loss, spread the word about what alopecia is, and help end the stigma associated with hair loss. In addition, Alopecia Awareness Month provides people with alopecia an opportunity to come out about their condition and provide support and encouragement to each other.

How Is Alopecia Treated?

There is no cure for alopecia areata. However, various solutions are available for men and women experiencing hair loss of any type and at any stage.

For some conditions, changes in lifestyle or hair care may be the solution. A healthy diet and lifestyle, including reduced stress levels, are vital for healthy hair growth. For many, this may mean incorporating food that promotes scalp and hair health, taking supplements, and learning new ways to cope with stress.

Depending on the stage of hair loss, supplements, topical treatments, and laser hair growth therapy may help stop the hair loss and encourage regrowth. Other solutions for more advanced cases of alopecia include extensions, wigs, and custom-designed hair replacement systems.

Alopecia Awareness Month

With nearly 30 years of experience helping men, women, and children in the San Jose area find solutions for alopecia, New Look Institute is proud to be a part of Alopecia Awareness Month. Our team of experts is committed to educating people on the types, causes, and solutions available for alopecia. To learn more about Alopecia Awareness Month and what you can do about hair loss, contact us today and schedule your FREE initial consultation.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

At New Look Institute, clients can expect to receive plenty of individual attention, as well as access to proven hair replacement solutions that are sure to meet their needs. We invite anyone who is struggling with thinning hair to meet with us in person at our hair replacement studio in San Jose, where you'll learn more about the options that meet your lifestyle, budget, and hair loss needs.

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