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Why It Is Better to Get Help With Your Hair Loss Sooner Rather Than Later

Dec 15, 2020

3 min read

Hair loss is something that most people expect to happen at some point in their lives. This is especially true for men but women can also experience hair thinning and loss as well. Since hair loss is an expectation many individuals do not seek out treatment immediately or at all. What would you say if you could slow the progression and/or stop hair loss and keep your natural hair longer if you sought hair loss solutions sooner rather than later? Let's take a look at why you should get help at the first signs of hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Loss

Hair loss can either be permanent or temporary. Permanent hair loss is typically the result of genetic male and female pattern baldness or traumatic events that irreversibly damage the hair follicles.

Temporary hair loss is normally the result of illnesses, medications, or high-levels of stress. For example, the loss of a job or battling a thyroid condition can both result in temporary thinning or loss of hair. In most cases, once the situation is resolved, normal hair growth resumes.

No matter the reason for your hair loss, you do not have to live with thinning or balding. The sooner you seek hair loss treatment the higher your chances of preventing further hair loss and/or stimulating natural hair growth.

Why Should You Seek Hair Loss Treatment As Soon As Possible?

If you look in the mirror or at past pictures and notice that the top of your head is looking sparse or are experiencing situation-specific hair loss, it is time to get in touch with a hair loss specialist to minimize any further hair loss. Here's why!

A Thorough Diagnosis

Your hair loss specialist will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine and verify the actual cause of hair loss. This is a crucial step to identifying any underlying undiagnosed scalp or medical conditions which would need to be addressed immediately. Tools used to diagnose causes of hair loss that are not due to genetics include:

  • Blood work to test for illnesses such as thyroid issues

  • A scalp biopsy can determine whether there are any skin issues.

Slow the Progression of Hair Loss

The longer hair follicles sit dormant, the fewer options you have for stimulating natural hair growth. Individuals who are just beginning to lose their hair have better success rates with treatments such as laser hair growth therapy and topical regrowth and thickening treatments. These treatments are designed to restore nutrients and blood flow to the hair follicle. This helps to either slow or stop the progression of hair loss.

Speed Up Normal Hair Growth

If you are experiencing temporary hair loss, seeking treatment can help restore your natural locks much quicker than taking no action at all. Hair loss treatments can increase blood flow to the scalp, hair follicles, and encourage hair to grow back in thicker and stronger than before.

Do Not Wait to Enjoy a Full Head of Hair!

Seeking treatment as soon as possible for hair loss is your best chance at preserving as much of your natural hair as possible. As the leading hair restoration in studio in San Jose, New Look Institute is dedicated to helping individuals restore their natural hair. If this is no longer an option, there is no need to worry! We offer a full line of hair replacement solutions that are indistinguishable from your natural hair and can restore your confidence and give you the look you want and deserve. Don't waste another minute, contact us today to book your free hair analysis!

Schedule Your Free Consultation

At New Look Institute, clients can expect to receive plenty of individual attention, as well as access to proven hair replacement solutions that are sure to meet their needs. We invite anyone who is struggling with thinning hair to meet with us in person at our hair replacement studio in San Jose, where you'll learn more about the options that meet your lifestyle, budget, and hair loss needs.

Combing Hair
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