How Alcohol Affects Your Appearance
06 / 21 / 17

How Alcohol Affects Your Appearance

By now, the health risks associated with alcohol consumption are well documented, and all of us know to be moderate and responsible in our drinking. What you may not know is that, in addition to the very real and serious health perils that alcohol can bring, there are cosmetic worries, too. Drinking too much alcohol can actually impact the quality of your skin and hair, and potentially leave you with an appearance that you’re not thrilled with. In this post, we’ll explain just how alcohol impacts the skin and hair—and also offer some tips for lessening these ill effects.

Alcohol Consumption and Your Hair

The effects of alcohol on the hair are pretty negative, and for one basic reason: Alcohol has a dehydrating effect. Not only does it dry you out, but it also acts as a diuretic, which means it’s more difficult for your body to become rehydrated. And we probably don’t need to tell you that dehydrated hair is only ever going to be brittle and limp; that’s why so many shampoos and conditioners devote themselves to hydrating.

It’s not just that alcohol leaves your hair dry, however. There are other problems, too. For instance, alcohol depletes some of the essential minerals and nutrients that your hair needs to thrive—nutrients such as zinc and folic acid. Because of this, alcohol can make your hair less shiny, less strong. And yes, in some cases, alcohol can even boost the odds of hair loss—hardly a desired effect.

And What About the Skin?

As we turn our attention to alcohol and the skin, the picture isn’t much prettier—and the concern is largely the same: Because of its dehydrating effects, alcohol can make your skin red, irritated, or flakey. It can deepen fine lines. It can make you look sallow and exhausted.

The list of potential problems just continues on from there. For example, drinking to an excess hampers your cellular renewal, which means your skin loses some of its luster and shine. This is all due to a Vitamin A depletion. Plus, alcohol opens up the blood vessels, which is why people who drink sometimes look very red-faced. The cumulative effect of frequent, heavy drinking can be spider veins and other visible problems of the skin. Again, none of this is desirable—but how can any of it be avoided?

What to Do About Alcohol and Its Effects

The surest way to mitigate these problems, of course, is simply to stop drinking altogether—but that’s obviously a big ask. Thankfully, there are more moderate approaches to curbing alcohol’s effects on the skin and hair. Indeed, drinking reasonably and responsibly is the critical first step.

Something else we’d recommend: Remain hydrated, especially on days when you know you’ll be drinking. Consume water throughout the day. Drink a coconut water, which can boost your body’s water retention. And as you drink, alternate alcoholic beverages with glasses of water.

Diet is important, too. If you plan on going out and drinking in the evening, make sure you eat well throughout the day—eliminating junk food and replacing it with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.

On the day after you drink, try doing something to pamper your hair and skin—like using moistening products or wraps.

But again, more than anything else, you just need to be careful about your drinking. A moderate approach will help spare you from any ill effects—including ill effects on your skin and your hair.

Address Problems with Your Hair

If you do notice issues with your appearance—whether due to alcohol or something else—don’t panic. There are methods available to solve these problems, including hair loss treatments. The first step is getting the problem properly diagnosed. Come see us at New Look Institute in San Jose, and we’ll work with you to develop the right course of action. To learn more about what we do, and how we can help you maintain healthy hair and skin, feel free to contact our team of stylists today.