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Natural Beauty

Causes of Women’s Hair Loss

Women take great pride in their hair. They love to style it, to color it, to cut it, to talk about it. Seldom do they think about losing it—yet hair loss is a reality for millions of Americans, and not just men. Women can face either mild or extreme hair loss, and for a variety of different reasons. The good news is, this hair loss never has to be permanent. There is always an effective hair replacement solution that can be found.

It all starts with a consultation. When you come to New Look Institute, you get to meet privately with a Scalp and Hair Specialist for a one-on-one consultation. We’ll recommend the best way to address your hair loss—we’ll help you determine what the cause of your hair loss is.

Causes of Female Hair Loss

Though hereditary hair loss is not nearly as common among women as it is among men, it can certainly happen. When hair loss is rooted in genetics, it can’t necessarily be cured, but the hair can be replaced completely.

A poor diet can also be a factor in hair loss. Hair, like any part of your body, needs the proper nutrients in order to grow. A lapse in Vitamin D can often lead to tapered-off hair growth, to say nothing of other critical vitamins and minerals. Traction alopecia from the use of tight braids, extensions, and other fashion trends, can cause permanent hair loss as well.

In some cases, nervous conditions can be factors in hair loss. The most dramatic example of this is trichotillomania, a stress condition that causes a person to pull, twist, or chew their own hair. Over time, this can lead to major scarring, which inhibits new hair growth.

Conditions of the scalp might also lead to hair loss, including excess oil, allergies or poor scalp hygiene. There are also autoimmune diseases that can lead to hair loss, with alopecia being the most common of these. There are different forms of alopecia, but all of them represent instances of the body attacking its own hair follicles—resulting in either partial or complete hair loss.

In other instances, female hair loss may be caused by medical conditions and/or medical treatments. It is well known, for example, that chemotherapy and radiation can often contribute to hair loss. What is less well known is the fact that many prescription medications can cause hair loss. Anything that causes significant physical or emotional stress can contribute to hair loss—and that includes even something like rapid weight loss. Additionally, hormonal shifts, such as those that can occur during pregnancy or menopause, can cause thinning hair.

Solutions for Women’s Hair Loss

Clearly, female hair loss can be caused by one or a combination of many different factors—and this is only a partial list. The important thing to remember is that there is no permanent cause of hair loss. Women faced with thinning hair can always take steps to replace it—and the first step should be visiting New Look Institute for a consultation. Join us today to discover the hair loss solutions that best fit your needs.

Schedule Your Free Consultation at San Jose

At New Look Institute, clients can expect to receive plenty of individual attention, as well as access to proven hair replacement solutions that are sure to meet their needs. We invite anyone who is struggling with thinning hair to meet with us in person at our hair replacement studio in San Jose, where you'll learn more about the options that meet your lifestyle, budget, and hair loss needs.

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